Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Whether you call them cold sores or fever blisters, they are both the same thing - oral herpes outbreaks. Each year nearly 97 million folks in the US alone will suffer distracting, painful and embarrassing cold sore outbreaks. And most of them will again go to the drug store to buy some new cold sore remedy that turns out no better than the last oral herpes treatment they used. It is a darn shame really. As far as cold sore remedies go, any over-the-counter cold sore treatment is strictly for comfort. Research shows that none of them have ever been shown to be a cold sore cure.

You can stop cold sore outbreaks and the social herpes tag. You can stop them before they ever get to your lip or nose. Creating an internal cold sore cure is as easy as taking a GOOD vitamin supplement.

Yes- a good vitamin supplement is, by far, your most basic cold sore treatment program. And, in fact, there is no one on the face of the planet that would not benefit immensely by taking a GOOD vitamin and mineral supplement. Even nutrition experts that are very particular as to what they eat - yes, even these people take vitamin supplements. Why? Because they know that even with a nearly perfect diet, especially in today's environment, they benefit from the extra supplementation of basic vitamins and minerals. Imagine how much more you and I can experience with our far-from-perfect diet.

Diseases develop when your health level is lower than it should be. Your immune system is only as good as your health level. Oral herpes outbreaks occur because the herpes simplex virus is opportunist virus that senses when it can get to the surface of your lip and replicate - without interference by your immune system.
If you get a cold sore, it may be because of some isolated incident of stress that weakened your defenses. If you get several cold sores or fever blisters a year, it is a sure sign that you need to strengthen your immune system with nutritional supplementation.

I apologize if I sound preachy. It's that I really do care about you. And research continually shows nutritional supplementation is imperative today.

Cold sores, fever blisters or oral herpes are not life threatening. Certainly not. Nor are most forms of common colds and flu. But if you are getting recurrent cold sores, it is a sign that you have deeper problems to come in the future. Nutritionists and health professionals have been stating this for 50 years and even the American Medical Association has finally gotten on board (see my last post). You can learn to cope with the occasional cold sore, but other chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart problems are not so tolerable. The threat of a potential outbreak of bird flu, which too is a virus, plus other mutated viruses, are constantly hanging over our head.

Taking a good vitamin supplement will go a long way in cold sore prevention - plus protect you from all other chronic diseases and virus threats. It won't make you "bullet proof" but it will certainly put the odds greatly in your favor for a long, happy, healthy life. Plus, supplementation has been proven to make you look younger very quickly after starting a nutrition program.

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Sunday, July 02, 2006


Vitamin supplements are your best cold sore treatment - if you want to prevent the outbreaks of cold sores, fever blisters, oral herpes.

Nearly 90% of the world population carry the herpes simplex type 1 or type 2 virus. Of these, about 33% will never get a cold sore, fever blister or oral herpes outbreak of any sort.
Why? What makes them different?

Well, as you know, herpes simplex virus is the root cause of cold sores and genital herpes outbreaks. But, understanding that, what causes the outbreaks for some and not others?

Primarily it is their higher immune system function, which is based on their physical health, and degree of stress that the body can handle. Basically, the stronger their health, the stronger their immune system. Their level of health is based on two things: nutrition and exercise.

The most important for a high level of health is nutrition. You can live without exercise, but you will die without nutrition.

For many years, I believed as the doctors did - that vitamin supplements were unnecessary. The American Medical Association continually stated that the foods we eat provided all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutritional constituents needed for good health.

But the more research I did, the more I found this not to be true. In fact, people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, etc. were starving from lack of specific nutrients. I discovered that all chronic diseases are due to lack of proper nutritional substances.

When I tried to explain this to my doctor friends, they pretty much kept the viewpoint of the American Medical Assn..

Then a real shocker.

In the June 19, 2002 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association it was announced: "Suboptimal intake of vitamins should be seen as a risk factor for chronic disease, especially in the elderly."

Finally, after decades, they admit to being wrong about getting enough nutrition from the foods we eat. And that good nutrition is essential to our immune system function.

And it's your immune system that will prevent cold sores, fever blisters, oral herpes.

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