Thursday, December 28, 2006


Oral herpes, COLD SORES AND FEVER BLISTERS can be stopped, as I mentioned previously, by keeping our body pH balanced around 7.3 (7.385 is ideal for humans).

Calcium, along with magnesium and vitamin D, can prevent, or greatly reduce the frequency of cold sores.

Calcium is the main tool your body uses to keep you pH balance where it should be.

What is the best source of calcium for optimizing our serum levels of this important nutrient - and as a cold sore treatment?

The most absorbable and active calcium occurs in plants - and dairy products. Unfortunately, the quantity of calcium in these products is much less today than 50 years ago - depending on where the products are from.

Why is this?

Let's take broccoli, for example.

Broccoli is rated as a good source of calcium, and potentially it is. If you could get a 1000 mg. of this type of calcium per day, you would probably never get cold sores and fever blisters - oral herpes or herpes breakouts of any kind.

However, the actual quantity of calcium depends on where the plant is grown.

Broccoli grown in Wisconsin will give you a high level of calcium. Wisconsin land is super rich in calcium carbonate (in the form of limestone).

The calcium content in Wisconsin soil makes for contented cows and calcium rich milk and cheese products. You really can taste the difference in the cheese!

But broccoli grown in Kentucky will not have nearly the same high levels of calcium because Kentucky land is rich in magnesium, and much lower in calcium.

Higher levels of magnesium in animals makes them energetic and "skittish". Perfect for race horses.

Bottom line - plants will only absorb minerals that are available in the soil where it grows. And commercial farming has dramatically depleted the soils. You really don't know what you're getting in the supermarket or where the produce is actually grown.

A friend of mine, a doctor at Mayo, told me something at coffee the other day that I would like to pass on to you.

He had just seen a study that concluded that we would have to eat 40 ounces of spinach today to get the same quantity of iron as one ounce of spinach grown in 1951.

My friend - depletion of the soil is very real - and one of the reasons we are not getting proper levels of nutrients in our diet.

I have been saying this for years - now more and more proof is coming out.

It's a shame because the vitamins and minerals in food are in the exact form our bodies need - the best nutrient quality by far.

If you want to prevent cold sores and fever blisters, or any chronic disease, you need to be taking a daily multiple vitamin and mineral supplement program plus an additional calcium supplement.

But, not just any calcium supplement will be useful as a cold sore remedy -

You can prevent cold sores from actually occurring...

And you do not have to waste another penny on cold sore remedies that don't work.


God Bless
Denny B

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006


If you have multiple oral herpes outbreaks - cold sores and fever blisters - each year, I would bet my paycheck that you are needing more calcium and other minerals.

Calcium is the primary mineral our body uses to alkalize our body fluids and cells.

Cold sores and fever blisters love an acid, low oxygen environment.

Calcium fights cold sores and fever blisters.

You need calcium as part of your daily regimen if you want to be cold sore free.

Calcium is the most common element in our bodies, and the third most common earth element.

Besides bone and tooth formation, and balancing pH, calcium is essential for optimum muscle contraction (like your legs - and heart muscle), blood clotting, and healthy cell membranes.

If you get leg cramps at night, for example, you can quite likely eliminate the problem by increasing your calcium intake. In fact, the next time you wake up with a leg cramp, drink a glass of milk.

Quite often the cramp will go away in minutes and allow you to sleep undisturbed the rest of the night.

Calcium will not work that fast as a cold sore treatment but it is awesome.

If you get a lot of cold sores and fever blisters, also try increasing your calcium intake. In addition, keep in mind that Vitamin D and magnesium are two essential nutrients that help our bodies absorb calcium.

Fact is - many people who appear to be short of calcium are actually short of vitamin D and/or magnesium. The primary source of vitamin D is the sun hitting our skin.

Sunshine is very healthy. Don't hide from it. It protects you from skin cancer. People in the south get less skin cancer than people in the north - primarily because of the vitamin D that is created when the sun hits our skin.

The best calcium for our bodies, to prevent cold sores and fever blisters, is from natural sources such as seaweed, dairy products, broccoli, kale, almonds, molasses, and beans. Canned salmon is excellent also, if the bones and skin are in the can too.

Fighting cold sores and fever blisters means making your body unfriendly to the oral herpes virus. Calcium is one nutrient that will do just that.

Yes, natural sources of calcium, as they occur in nature, provide the best calcium for your body. But, today, a normal diet may not provide the quantity of calcium and other nutrients you need to eliminate cold sores and fever blisters.

Talk to you later

God Bless

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Saturday, December 23, 2006


In my last post I stated that we can enjoy a lifetime of freedom from oral herpes, cold sores and fever blisters, if we keep our body pH balanced toward the alkaline side of neutral.

Oral herpes, cold sores and fever blisters - the herpes virus that causes these blisters - love an acid, low oxygen, warm environment.

The primary cause of cold sores and fever blisters, in my opinion, is having an acid side pH. The more acid the pH the less oxygenated the cells.

Calcium (along with essential companion minerals magnesium, potassium and phosphorus) is not a total
cold sore remedy by itself, but is an important part of any cold sore treatment and prevention program.

Calcium is the primary way for the body to neutralize all the acids our body creates and all the acid-forming food we eat.

All cold sore remedies primarily neutralize an acid pH and raise oxygen levels in the affected cells.

When you experience physical or mental stress, your body kicks out various hormones and chemicals in response.

This generally will cause our bodies to "go acid" to some degree.

This is a wake-up call to a sleeping (latent) cold sore virus.

Cold sores virus sleeps "with one eye open" - ready for any opportunity to replicate and create another hideous cold sore or fever blister on the surface of your face.

Because the herpes simplex type 1 virus (that causes oral herpes, cold sores and fever blisters) lives embedded in your nerve cells - they can sense stress INSTANTLY!

We have many viruses in our bodies on any given day. Cold and flu virus for example. But only the herpes cold sore virus has such an "early-warning" system.

The cold sore herpes virus knows that an acid environment in our bodies commonly occur during and after stress.

Fact is - the herpes cold sore virus can sense stress even before we do.And the cold sores virus starts to move toward the surface end of the nerve that they are living in.

If the acid situation is not corrected fast by the body (because of lack of easily available calcium and other helping minerals) the oral herpes virus will reach the surface of your face and start to replicate.

BANG - another cold sore.

If you are FED UP with cold sores here is a sure-fire
COLD SORE CURE that you need to know about. It is absolutely amazing how well it works … and cheap!

Never spend another dime on your cold sores!!!

God Bless

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Preventing Cold Sores with Calcium-1

Preventing Cold Sores, Fever Blisters and Oral Herpes can be as simple as increasing your calcium intake.

Calcium is a nutrient that helps prevent not only cold sores, fever blisters, oral herpes - or herpes breakouts anywhere on the body - but many other illnesses, such as colds or flu.

In this series about calcium, we'll talk about which form of calcium works best for preventing cold sores, and which is the worst. But first, let's talk about how calcium works in the body as a cold sore treatment.

Cold sores, (or oral herpes, or fever blisters) will take advantage of any and every opportunity to create more herpes virus on your lip, nose or skin.

Cold sores and fever blisters (oral herpes) love an acid environment.

Your body is constantly trying to balance itself between an acid and alkaline state. This is called pH and is measured on a scale of 1 (most acid) to 14 (most alkaline). 7 on the pH scale is neutral as determined by distilled water as a standard.

A healthy person, with a correct pH balance, will vary between 6 (slightly acid) and 7.5 (slightly alkaline). Your body will strive for a slightly alkaline state between 7.2 and 7.3. Your body is very sensitive to your pH balance and will respond immediately to an over acid state. A pH of 4 is near death.

Normally, our diet, exercise, oxygen usage - most metabolic processes - create acids which the body must neutralize. The body uses available minerals, mostly calcium, to buffer these acids. If there isn't enough available calcium to take care of the acids, your body will "borrow" from your bones and teeth.

In developed countries such as Great Britain and America, our lifestyles and diets create strong acid situations for our body to try to buffer. This causes a lot of calcium to be taken from our bones if proper quantities of calcium (and related minerals) are not ingested daily.

This is why low bone density - weak bones - is such a major problem today.It is also why the virus that causes cold sores, fever blisters, oral herpes is spreading at such an alarming rate. When your body is in an acid state, the cold sore virus will be able to replicate - which causes the dreaded cold sore blisters.

We'll talk more in the next post about using calcium for preventing cold sores or fever blisters.


And Don't waste another penny of your money on cold sore remedies that do not work.

You probably have everything you need in your cupboard, RIGHT NOW, to cure your cold sores permanently, in just two to three days.

Yes - You have the very best cold sore remedy at your fingertips - you just need to know what it is and how to use this cold sore cure.

I know it sounds hard to believe, but it is absolutely true.

It is the last cold sore treatment you will ever need.

You need to do it now!


Cold Sores, Oral Herpes, Fever Blisters Cured

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Monday, December 11, 2006


Vitamins for cold sores, fever blisters, oral herpes are important for a lifetime of cold sore freedom.

One of the major vitamins for cold sores that you will read about here and there is Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is an oil soluble vitamin which can be stored by the liver. As a cold sore treatment, vitamin E is valuable on two levels.

First, internally, as a very powerful cold sore remedy, vitamin E is the primary immune system vitamin. It is commonly found in many foods such as grains (wheat germ, rice bran, etc) and meats. Vitamin E is composed of tocopherols and tocotrienols.

D-alpha tocopherol was considered, up until about 8 years ago, the active portion of vitamin E. And, until recently, alpha tocopherol is all you would get in a vitamin E or multiple vitamin supplement.

But God created, in nature, vitamin E as a package of several tocopherols and tocotrienols - for a reason! And now scientists have found that the complete package is, by far, more potent together than the individual ingredients are separately. You will find Vitamin E to be one of the best additions to cold sore remedies.

Make sure your supplement contains all the vitamin E tocopherols and tocotrienols.

For the health benefits you are looking for - you want a minimum of 400 IU per day. 800 IU per day is quite common for therapeutic level vitamin regimens. (The oil-based vitamins such as vitamin A, D, and E are measured in International Units- IU - rather than Milligrams). Vitamin E will be represented in any of the good cold sore remedies.

And make sure that it is not a man-made vitamin E. For example: d-alpha tocopherol is derived from natural sources. dl-tocopherol is made in the lab (note the L after the D)

Secondly, vitamin E can be purchased as an oil. This is great as a cold sore treatment. As I have written previously, it is important for comfort and faster healing to keep the cold sore scab well oiled to prevent painful cracking of your cold sore.

Cracking of you cold sore crust slows healing and causes contagious cold sores fluid leakage again.

Vitamin E oil is perfect for this level of cold sore treatment and it aids healing also. Works best when taken internally also -together as part of your vitamin therapy for a cold sore remedy.


Stop wasting your money on one cold sore treatment after another. Fed up with cold sore remedies that just don't work?

You have everything you need in your cupboard - quite likely, right now - to cure your cold sores permanently, in just two to three days.

Yes - You have the very best cold sore remedy right at your fingertips - you just need to know how to use it.

I know it sounds hard to believe but it is truly the last cold sore treatment you will ever need.

YOU NEED to do it now!


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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Vitamins for Cold Sores

Many people ask about the value of vitamins for cold sores, fever blisters and oral herpes.

Cold sores - the actual cold sore outbreak - are brought on by a weakened immune system.

Stress of any sort, short term or long term, mental stress or physical stress, often will lower your immunity enough to allow the cold sores herpes virus to begin another cycle of replicating. Yes, another bout with cold sores. You need vitamins for cold sores(internal) and a good topical cold sore treatment (external).

A particularly good choice of vitamins for cold sores - a good cold sore treatment - assuming that you are already taking a complete vitamin/mineral supplement - is a stress vitamin formula.

Many good vitamin companies provide a stress formula in their line of products. These stress formulas will help greatly as a long term cold sore remedy.

Stress supplement formulas will vary quite a bit between manufacturers.

These stress supplements may contain a variety of nutrients such as calcium, valarian herb, magnesium, and so on. All of these ingredients may help to some degree. If you are taking a high level multiple, you will probably be getting enough of the minerals already. I don't think the average person should be taking valarian root herb unless it's necessary. Valarian root is a natural and mild sedative herb that acts similar to valium. Not necessary with cold sores, fever blisters, or oral herpes.

The common ingredients that you will find to be the base of most good stress supplements is Vitamin C with the associated bioflavinoids, and the complete B family of nutrients. These are the nutrients critical to protecting your immune system from the effects of stress.

The B and C vitamins are your main vitamins for cold sores.

The B and C vitamins are water soluble and are not stored in the body. These vitamins need to be replenished at least daily. Stress burns up these vitamins quickly. For example, smoking one cigarette burns up about 30 to 60 milligrams of vitamin C and some B vitamins. Stress of any sort sucks up vitamin C and the B's and drops your immunity.

The virus that causes cold sores, oral herpes, or fever blisters will act quickly when it notices a drop in your immunity.


Stop wasting your money on cold sore treatments and cold sore remedies that don't work.

Cure your cold sores - permanently - in just 2 to 3 days with what you already have in your cupboard!

I know it sounds too good to be true but it is honestly the last cold sore treatment you will ever need.

This is what you need to do next!


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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Cold Sores and Vitamins That Prevent Cold Sores


Cold sores are primarily caused by stress in your immune system.

For cold sores, I strongly recommend to anyone wishing to eliminate or reduce cold sore outbreaks in their lives, should be taking a good daily vitamin and mineral supplement for their cold sores (fever blisters, oral herpes).

Cold sores are prevented or lessened in severity by the synergetic action of the COMPLETE array of vitamins and minerals provided by a good multiple supplement.

Cold sores, however, have been much researched. Certain nutrients have shown to be quite useful as a cold sore treatment.

Some of these key nutrients found effective as a cold sore remedy:

Vitamin C, B Vitamins, Vitamin E. Minerals that help prevent cold sores include zinc, and the seldom talked about (for a cold sore remedy) calcium. There are also several amino acids (protein fractions) which work quite well against cold sores. The most talked about currently is LYSINE.

If you take a daily multiple vitamin and mineral supplement, as talked about previously as a cold sore treatment, the following are the minimum quantities you should insist on for good health and prevention of cold sores.

Vitamin C - 1000 mg.

B Vitamins. B1(thiamin), B2(riboflavin), B3(niacin or niacinamide), B5(pantothenic acid), B6(pyridoxine) and PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) - minimum daily dose 50 mg. each. I would prefer 100 mg. of B3, B5, and B6. I personally take an additional "stress" supplement which is primarily the complete array of B vitamins and vitamin C to boost these quantities in my immune system.

Vitamin E - 400 mg. to 800 mg. Should include not only alpha-tocopherol, but the gamma and delta tocopherols as well. Also all four of the Vitamin E tocotrienols.

Zinc - 30 mg. - no more than 50 mg. maximum.

Calcium - 1000 mg. at the very least. 2000 mg. is much better for preventing cold sores.

Lysine - not normally found in a multiple vitamin product so you will have to buy separately. Very cheap and very important to prevent cold sores or any herpes outbreaks. 500 mg. to 1000 mg. per day as a cold sore treatment - to keep cold sores (fever blisters, oral herpes) virus latent.

Currently my family is taking an excellent multiple vitamin product called "Forward Plus Daily Regimen" by Julian Whitaker, MD.

It comes in very convenient tear-open packets. Each packet contains 6 medium size capsules of the vitamins and minerals, one capsule of fish oil concentrate, and one capsule of phyto-nutrient essentials. Each box contains 60 of these packets.

This currently is the most complete and highest quality isolated nutrient program I have found. He uses nothing but the finest USP isolated nutrients.

I don't make a dime if you buy them - just wanted to tell you what I use for a cold sore remedy.

Get on his email newsletter list or check out his vitamins at - he usually has a sale on some of his products each month, and they are all top shelf. You can also call him at 800-722-8008. I have had trouble ordering from his web-site but maybe he has it fixed now.

Cold sores can be prevented with proper nutrition. We will talk next as to why certain nutrients can cure cold sores.

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