Saturday, December 23, 2006


In my last post I stated that we can enjoy a lifetime of freedom from oral herpes, cold sores and fever blisters, if we keep our body pH balanced toward the alkaline side of neutral.

Oral herpes, cold sores and fever blisters - the herpes virus that causes these blisters - love an acid, low oxygen, warm environment.

The primary cause of cold sores and fever blisters, in my opinion, is having an acid side pH. The more acid the pH the less oxygenated the cells.

Calcium (along with essential companion minerals magnesium, potassium and phosphorus) is not a total
cold sore remedy by itself, but is an important part of any cold sore treatment and prevention program.

Calcium is the primary way for the body to neutralize all the acids our body creates and all the acid-forming food we eat.

All cold sore remedies primarily neutralize an acid pH and raise oxygen levels in the affected cells.

When you experience physical or mental stress, your body kicks out various hormones and chemicals in response.

This generally will cause our bodies to "go acid" to some degree.

This is a wake-up call to a sleeping (latent) cold sore virus.

Cold sores virus sleeps "with one eye open" - ready for any opportunity to replicate and create another hideous cold sore or fever blister on the surface of your face.

Because the herpes simplex type 1 virus (that causes oral herpes, cold sores and fever blisters) lives embedded in your nerve cells - they can sense stress INSTANTLY!

We have many viruses in our bodies on any given day. Cold and flu virus for example. But only the herpes cold sore virus has such an "early-warning" system.

The cold sore herpes virus knows that an acid environment in our bodies commonly occur during and after stress.

Fact is - the herpes cold sore virus can sense stress even before we do.And the cold sores virus starts to move toward the surface end of the nerve that they are living in.

If the acid situation is not corrected fast by the body (because of lack of easily available calcium and other helping minerals) the oral herpes virus will reach the surface of your face and start to replicate.

BANG - another cold sore.

If you are FED UP with cold sores here is a sure-fire
COLD SORE CURE that you need to know about. It is absolutely amazing how well it works … and cheap!

Never spend another dime on your cold sores!!!

God Bless

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