Sunday, February 25, 2007



Herpes gladiatorum claims two more victims at the North Dakota
state wrestling tournaments in Bismark.

Last month at least 45 outbreaks to date were identified from 16 schools
in Minnesota closing the wrestling season for the high school grapplers.

Last week during the North Dakota high school state wrestling finals, two
wrestlers were eliminated from the competition because of herpes gladiatorum rash and outbreaks.

Trainer, Damian Schlinger, stated that all wrestlers are screened for herpes gladiatorum rashes before the tournament.

He also said that more coaches are starting to screen for this on a regular basis to prevent further spreading.

These herpes gladiatorum outbreaks occur in clusters, exactly like facial cold sores.

Schools have become more cautious and are sterilizing the wrestling mats more aggressively and often.

Also, using more mats with fewer wrestlers per mat will greatly reduce the potential of exposure to the herpes gladiatorum virus.

Herpes gladiatorum produces a rash that could mimic other rash causes - but when cold sore looking blisters are also present, as in these two cases, it is considered a positive diagnosis.

As I mentioned in a previous post, quite likely it started with a cold sore on the lip of a wrestler, which then contaminated the mat, and was transferred to many other wrestlers who had scratches or mat burns.

The culprit is the herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2 that causes cold sores, fever blisters, and oral herpes on the edge of the lips or nose.

It is estimated by the CDC that nearly 90% of the world population is infected with the cold sores virus. As with herpes gladiatorum, it is a lifetime infection.

The virus that creates herpes gladiatorum, cold sores, fever blisters, oral herpes or "below-the-waist" herpes outbreaks normally is latent - hibernating in the nerve cells near where the original infection took place.

Of the 90% infected population, about 40% will never have another herpes outbreak - the other 60% will realize one or more cold sores or herpes gladiatorum outbreaks each year - usually in the colder winter months.

Any outbreaks caused by herpes simplex virus, no matter where it occurs on your body or what you call it - cold sores, fever blisters, herpes gladiatorum sores - are very painful.

The herpes virus destroys the cells on the end of the nerve fibers in their process of replication creating an "open nerve" situation.

Your best bet for herpes outbreak preventing would be a sticking with a good nutritional program and taking a good quality vitamin supplement every single day.

Also have on hand a good topical cold sore remedy - one that you would put directly on the area where the cold sore or herpes sore normally develops - particularly when you start feeling discomfort.

Better than spending money on a cold sore treatment just to have on hand in case you might need it - you'd be much further ahead to learn about home remedies for cold sores using what you already have in your home.

That way you'll never be without it whenever and wherever you are.

One such cold sore treatment - probably the best of the cold sore remedies according to many 1000s who use it - was discovered by Grace M..

=> If you've got a minute, you can read more about it here <=.

You won't believe what great news this is for eliminating cold sores, fever blisters, oral herpes, and herpes gladiatorum sores.

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Friday, February 16, 2007

Herpes Gladiatorum in Minnesota ?

Herpes Gladiatorum outbreaks in Minnesota currently totals 42 reported cases from 16 schools.

Herpes Gladiatorum is commonly referred to as "mat herpes" and is having an unusually large level of outbreaks this season in Minnesota - and the surrounding states of Iowa, Wisconsin and North and South Dakota are on watch for symptoms.

Herpes Gladiatorum is caused by the herpes simplex virus - the same herpes virus that causes cold sores, fever blisters and oral herpes. It is spread by close skin contact of judo practitioners, wrestlers, and similar close bare-skin contact sports.

I have mentioned before that cold sores, fever blisters and oral herpes can be spread from the lips to other parts of the body. The virus is not know to actually penetrate the skin, but will quickly take advantage of a break in the skin surface.

Cold sore virus is sub-microscopic - much smaller than a body cell - so it doesn't take much of a break in the skin.

As a former Wisconsin wrestler myself, I can tell you that mat burns (like rug burns) are very common. This, along with sweating, can transfer the virus from one athlete to another very easily. (By the way - I never lost a match in High School wrestling competition).

The initial infection symptom of herpes gladiatorum, as it has appeared in Minnesota recently, is a rash that lasts one to two weeks. Clusters of painful blisters can be present during this initial outbreak, but are usually far more common during herpes gladiatorum reoccurrence - similar to cold sores on the lips.

The herpes simplex virus will embed itself in the nerve fibers in the area of initial infection. This, again, is the virus that creates cold sores, fever blisters, and oral herpes.

You can experience reoccurrence anytime just like a cold sore. And since we know that the herpes virus will live in your body for most if not all of your life, it would be wise to have an effective and proven
cold sore treatment on hand.

Cold sore remedies - if they work for cold sores and shingles - will work equally well with herpes gladiatorum outbreaks.

In high schools, especially here in Minnesota, wrestlers, or similar sport type athletes with a rash will not be allowed to compete until the rash subsides - according to the coaches I've talked to.

Further, any athlete with cold sores, fever blisters or oral herpes should not compete until the cold sore is completely healed - including the red spot often occurring after the skin appears healed. This red spot indicates that there is still active and contagious virus in that area under the surface.

Herpes gladiatorum can lead to serious complications and should not be taken lightly.

Herpes gladiatorum is certainly not limited to Midwest states like Minnesota. It can, and will, show up in any state, any country and anytime.

For effective treatment always use proven cold sore remedies. A topical cold sore treatment will work best but a good vitamin and mineral program will greatly help to actually prevent these skin cold sores.

Read about a cold sore treatment proven to
STOP any Herpes Cold Sore in it's tracks!

Take Care
Denny B.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Cold Sores: Which Calcium Works Best for Preventing Cold Sores

More on calcium and cold sores, fever blisters, oral herpes

Preventing cold sores may be as simple as keeping your pH at 7 to 7.4. Stress of any sort will cause your body to go toward the acid side. Calcium helps neutralize the physical effects of stress.

We just plain can't get enough calcium or other vitamins and minerals from the food we eat anymore. Thus we suffer from epidemics of heart disease, diabetes, cancers - not to mention lesser diseases such as colds, flu, and cold sores, fever blisters and oral herpes.

We need to be taking supplements. This is one of the best cold sore remedies to try - along with any topical cold sore treatment. Although I've found many doctors are not up to speed on taking vitamins, the AMA did endorse the use of supplements in a statement in JAMA in January 2002.

Calcium, like most all minerals, is difficult to absorb to a degree that it can provide a therapeutic value to your body. There are several different forms of calcium that are being sold.

To keep a high pH and a low instance of recurring cold sores, oral herpes and fever blisters - the quality and form of calcium you take will make a huge difference.

Here are some of the most commonly sold forms of supplemental calcium.


This is the form most commonly sold as a calcium supplement. It is the cheapest and doesn't take much room in the supplement.

Although it contains the highest level of elemental calcium (40%), it is the absolute worst for your body to absorb (about 2-3%).

Let's say you take the "recommended" dose of 1000 mg (1 gram) of calcium in the form of calcium carbonate. It contains 400 mg. of elemental calcium which sounds great on the vitamin label.

However, your body only gains about 12 mg. of actual calcium (3% of 400mg). Not nearly enough for good health or to help prevent cold sores, oral herpes, or fever blisters.

Calcium carbonate is basically how calcium is found raw in nature -before it is made "body-ready" by plants such as broccoli. You may see this offered as "dolomite", "bone-meal", Oyster shell" or "coral calcium" but, in reality, they are all just calcium carbonate. In most cases, as in coral calcium, it is just powdered rock.

Your body wasn't designed to digest or absorb powdered rock. Plants are needed to transform calcium into a form that can be absorbed by the body.

Basically minerals like calcium need to go through a "chelation" process either naturally or in the lab. What this means is the calcium molecule is attached to a protein molecule - making it acceptable to the body.

A natural form of calcium - the type found in dairy products - created by animals who eat calcium rich plants. This is calcium that is "body-ready" because it is attached to protein molecules during creation of the milk. Newborns of any species needs a lot of calcium because they are growing bone like crazy. This is probably one of the best and most absorbable forms of calcium.

This is an excellent form of calcium for use as a cold sore treatment and prevention program for all diseases.

Calcium lactate takes a lot more room in a supplement because the elemental calcium level, as a percentage of the whole, is much lower (maybe around 15% or so) because of the attached proteins.

The most important thing to keep in mind - this is one form of calcium expressly designed by nature for direct use by your body. You may have to take more pills that any other form, but the quality of this calcium is excellent as a pH balancing prevention for chronic diseases such as fever blisters, cold sores, and any form of oral herpes.

If you are a vegetarian there are other options.

These are two more forms of calcium that offer excellent absorption. The body recognizes these forms of calcium as food also - because the calcium molecules are attached to the appropriate protein molecules. These may be extracted from plants or created in the lab.

Like calcium lactate, these also take more room in a pill than calcium carbonate but are well worth it.

Keep in mind that calcium is the most common mineral (metal) in the human body. Like water, you just need to get a lot of it.

Watch your pH and you will go a long ways toward preventing cold sores, fever blisters, or oral herpes outbreaks that you might otherwise experience.

Along with this amazing cold sore topical home remedy, you quite likely could find yourself totally cold sore free for life.

All about cold sore cure, oral herpes, fever blisters.

See you soon.
God Bless
Denny B.

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