Wednesday, May 31, 2006

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Monday, May 29, 2006


Cold Sores, Oral Herpes and Fever Blisters are 3 names for the same thing.

"Cold sores are cured when the symptoms are eliminated."

In the last post we saw that there is a difference between viruses and bacteria. Infections from bacteria can be handled by antibiotics. But antibiotics do not have any effect on viruses such as herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores. Or the bird flu virus.

To ask your doctor for antibiotics for flu or colds - or cold sores - is useless since these are virus created illnesses. Besides being useless for these problems, antibiotics taken for these can create new strains of bacteria that will be immune to that antibiotic and that will affect the human body in a whole new way. If you have an infection that is clearly a viral problem, like cold sores, flu, etc. - don't take antibiotics.

Currently, with today's medical science, the only way to fight an unwanted virus, like herpes simplex virus, is to encourage your body to develop its own immunity. This is the best of the cold sore remedies. Medical science today cannot eliminate viruses from your body. The cold sore virus will likely be with you for a lifetime. The poliovirus, for example, is still with us today and is carried by millions of people. We don't get the symptoms of polio because we have developed a strong immunity to it. The immunity to poliovirus was the result of the Sauk vaccine, which, basically, helped our body build anti-bodies to such a degree that the virus cannot go through its replication process, thus no symptoms.

Many, in fact most, of the medical practicioners maintain that none of the know cold sore remedies will cure oral herpes. Even my friends at Mayo make this flat statement on their web site.

I disagree.

They didn't wipe out the poliovirus. They just eliminated the symptoms. The virus is still with us but, with our immunity now, this virus can no longer get any traction. Because there are no symptoms of polio, in the general public, medical science claims to have cured polio.

Viruses will always be with us. The cure for any viral disease is to create an immunity and environment in our bodies where the virus - or in this case cold sore virus - cannot get a foothold to replicate and create symptoms (the actual cold sore on your lip).

A disease is cured if the symptoms are eliminated.

Two things happen. First, the virus becomes weaker and weaker when it can't create new virus. And the weaker it becomes in our body, the less likely of a cold sore outbreak. Secondly, if it can't replicate new virus, infecting others will become less and less of a possibility so the percentage of infected people will drop.

So, yes, cold sores can be cured by creating an immunity and unfriendly environment internally so that the cold sore virus cannot create its symptoms - which are the actual cold sores.

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Saturday, May 27, 2006



Before we talk about the nutritional cold sore remedies, I think it would be good to talk a little bit about what a virus is.

As we speak, your body contains many viruses besides the herpes simplex virus. For example, everyone carries the cold viruses. There are different types of colds just as there are different types of flu. So you may carry 4 or more different viruses that cause a head or chest cold. Each virus has its "specialty". Each virus causes different symptoms and severity of those symptoms.

The cold sore virus, herpes simplex types 1 and type 2 are two different viruses that causes both cold sores and genital herpes. In fact, scientists have discovered 8 different herpes simplex viruses. Thus far, only type 1 and type 2 have been identified as causing cold sores and genital sores.

Viruses are extremely tiny sub-microscopic parasites. They are so small in fact that they can hide inside an individual cell. Fact is, they need a host to survive and reproduce themselves. As a comparison, bacteria do not need a host to reproduce - it just needs food. Bacteria reproduce by inter-acting with each other. Viruses can't do this. Viruses replicate by forcing the body cells, like little factories, to clone it.

Viruses can adapt to chemicals designed to kill it by mutating slightly creating immunity to the chemical. You may have heard bacteria do this too. When penicillin was first discovered, it was a miracle and saved countless lives. But soon the bacteria became immune and new forms of antibiotics were required. Today, scientists can't keep up creating new antibiotics to take care of the fast changing bacteria.

The same is true with viruses, like the cold sore virus. As quickly as medical science comes up with a new anti-viral chemical, the viruses change and become immune. Acyclovir for cold sores and genital sores worked great initially, but quickly became of little value in killing herpes virus. Famvir is another form of acyclovir but is close to being obsolete now. Even when these chemicals worked well, they didn't rid the body of the cold sore virus but at least helped keep the virus in the hibernation stage.

Science has never been able to duplicate what your body can do on its own.

God created our bodies to take care of themselves. Whenever our body is invaded by different strains of bacteria or viruses, it creates anti-bodies that directly attack that particular strain. Each time you get a cold sore, your body creates new anti-bodies to protect you from the alien invader. As quickly as viruses mutate, so does our body create new strains of anti-bodies to attack them.

That is why vaccines have been so successful. Vaccines don't attack the virus directly, but aid the body in creating effective anti-bodies. Vaccines encourage your beautiful body to create its own "medicine" - by far the best medicine for today's many virus threats - like the threatening bird flu epidemic. Example: polio was a terrible virus that maimed and killed millions - until Dr. Sauk created his vaccine. Now polio is beaten.

Your body creates these anti-bodies using nutritional chemicals in food. For the most part we call them vitamins and minerals. There also are many useful natural chemicals in various plants and herbs. Time and time again, science proves what I have always maintained - God created in nature everything we need to live a healthy, happy life.

For every disease known to man (woman) God provides the cure in nature - just waiting to be discovered.

Talk to you next time.
God bless
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Thursday, May 25, 2006



Most of the time, I've talked about topical cold sore remedies. Cold sores, because they are primarily surface events, are best treated topically. As with any medical problem, the more direct your approach with a cold sore the better the outcome.

During the next few posts, however, I would like to talk about systemic cold sore remedies. That is, cold sore remedies that attack the herpes simplex virus from the "back door". If you treat cold sores with direct application of some of the cold sore remedies I've talked about previously, you will find that they will be much more effective in healing and preventing cold sores if you also use some systemic (internal) treatment with vitamins, minerals and specific herbs that will condition your body against a cold sore.

Even more important than the cold sore pandemic that has existed for over 2000 years, is the possible bird flu pandemic that threatens us.

Cold sores, fortunately, are not life threatening like bird flu. But, any internal nutrition that you do for preventing and curing cold sores, will also protect you from other viruses such as the bird flu. You can tune your body to be "anti-virus" - to be immune against any virus including the vicious bird flu virus. There are literally 1,000's of virus strains floating around. Hundreds of different cold and flu viruses.

How wonderful would it be to have a body that was immune to any virus? Imagine the freedom you would enjoy. Since I took this approach 3 years ago, I never get cold sores, never get the flu, and very seldom get a cold unless I do something stupid that reduces my resistance (like drinking too much beer at a party).

By the way, I have this blog set up to receive comments and I would love to hear from you. Tell me about yourself. We could learn a lot about each other this way. I would greatly appreciate hearing what you think or any questions you have about anything and about cold sores.

Also, please recommend this blog to your friends. This could be a great community blog with your input.

Thank you
God bless

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Medical science has been working hard to find cold sore remedies and a cure for the herpes simplex virus that causes both cold sores and genital herpes. They have not had any real success finding cold sore remedies that work.

Acyclovir is an anti-viral available in both tablet and topically applied ointment. For a cold sore, the internal treatment showed some promise initially. The topical cream was a total failure but they keep selling it.

The big problem with drug remedies like this is that the herpes simplex virus quickly becomes immune to it. Which it now has with Acyclovir. Famvir is another version.

A cold sore vaccine is being tested but shows very little promise. It is designed to prevent infection of the herpes simplex virus but won't work on anyone, like you and I, who already has the virus or its anti-bodies in their system. Nearly 90% of the world population, it is estimated, carries the herpes simplex virus.

More and more doctors now agree. There are times when natural science just seems to be the best choice. Often our ONLY choice. This is certainly true, at least right now, for oral herpes.

One thing that I believe is significant in relation to natural remedies. The virus just does not seem to ever become immune to it, like drug company cures.

In relation to cold sores and genital herpes, look to natural remedies for relief.

God Bless

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Cold Sores, Oral Herpes, Fever Blisters

Cold sore treatment with over-the-counter salves and ointments is how most folks obtain cold sore relief.

Cold sore remedies purchased at the drug store, experts agree, are primarily comfort remedies. There has been no evidence that any of these oral herpes treatments, whether over-the-counter or prescription, will eliminate cold sores.

Your body, with NO help from cold sore remedies, will heal itself over 3 to 4 weeks. The benefit of most cold sore remedies is two-fold.

First, most good cold sore remedies will contain a numbing agent. This will help you deal with the pain of that cold sore outbreak on your facial nerve endings. In most cases, these cold sore remedies only offer cold sore relief on the surface, as the numbing agents do not penetrate very deep. Thus, although these help to some degree, you will still have pain if you touch or accidently bite your cold sore while chewing.

Secondly, your best cold sore medication will also contain at least an anti-bacterial ingredient. This is very important. If you get a secondary bacterial infection, which is quite common actually, the cold sore could last an additional week or two. Open sores, like cold sores, can easily be infected. If you cut your hand, notice how quickly it becomes infected. Even more so with a cold sore because they are wide open. Continual application of alcohol will clean and disinfect your cold sore.

God Bless

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Saturday, May 20, 2006


Cold Sores at this stage no longer have a visible cold sore scab or crust. Your skin surface has totally healed. However the damage caused by your herpes simplex virus is still healing under the new skin.

The oral herpes virus does a lot of damage and the healing process will continue for some time yet, creating a red spot where the cold sore was. There is continued itching and irritation.

You are still contagious during this cold sore stage, until the redness and irritation is totally gone. There is still some cold sore virus lingering around and it may even be in you saliva. Kissing and oral sex is still not recommended. Socially you have a responsibility to diligent and not cause someone else to get a cold sore or genital herpes because of you.

The healing of your cold sore - actually the whole event from start to finish - depends on your current health and what cold sore remedies you use.

Many people take lysine on a regular basis to prevent and shorten cold sore events. This does work for cold sores as well as genital herpes. It's not a cure for cold sores by any means as you will still get cold sores on occasion. One thing I've noticed time and again is that the body becomes "immune" to lysine therapy requiring more and more to accomplish this resistance to cold sores.

For this reason, I would not over-do it on the lysine. When I used to get cold sores, I gave up trying to use it as a preventative and just used massive doses when I actually felt a cold sore coming on - and during the outbreak. It seemed to cause a shorter duration time for the cold sore event.

Since lysine is a protein fraction, it's not likely you can over dose. The pills or capsules, most commonly, come in 500 mg. size, and I would take 3-4 right away when I felt a cold sore coming on, then 2 more pills as a dosage 2 or 3 times a day. This is no miracle stuff but it does help.

If you are being monitored for cholesterol please note that lysine may cause it to rise as it encourages the liver to produce more cholesterol.

I believe that the actual benefit from lysine - why it seems to be anti cold sore and genital sore - is that it tends to raise the pH balance of the body. I think you'll find in the future someone will "discover" this and get credit for a "breakthrough" in the on-going study of cold sores and other diseases.

I'll talk more about the lysine/arginine connection later.

To your great health

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Friday, May 19, 2006

Stage 7 of Cold Sores - The Healing Process

Cold sores (oral herpes, fever blisters), once scabbed over, begin healing from the inside out.

As the healing of your cold sores takes place, new skin form
under the crust.

This will cause continued itching, irritation and will still be painful
to the touch.

The herpes simplex virus that causes cold sores is now back in hibernation
in the nerve ganglia. Your cold sores anti-bodies have defeated them
for the time being.

Your lymph glands that were swollen during the open stage
of your cold sores are nearly back to normal now. Your temperature
should be back to normal, or close to it. Quite likely you will still want
to take your headache and fever pills.

Applying ice during the healing stage of your oral herpes is not
recommended. It may feel good, but it drives blood away from the
area which slows healing. Applying warmth at this point will bring
more blood to the area of your cold sores, and should help speed healing.

What I did when I used to get cold sores - soak a mint tea bag and
warm up in the microwave. Then apply the warm tea bag to your
cold sore. The mint will drive away any remaining cold sore virus. This was always one of my favorite cold sore remedies.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Cold sores, oral herpes, fever blisters

Cold sores, at this cold sore stage, will crust over with a yellowish large scab. The worst is over once you get past the open cold sore weeping stage.

The healing process of the cold sore begins, but this can be a long process. There is a lot of damage to be fixed. Swollen glands start to subside. The cold sores virus is traveling back to the nerve ganglia to hibernate again. The replication process is over, for a long time we hope.

The pain is still quite noticeable even though the cold sore is covered over. The nerve endings that were damaged by the cold sore heal slowly.

The cold sores crust or scab is usually quite large, hard and unsightly. As one lady put it "like a huge bug on my lip". When you move your lips, as in smiling, the cold sore scab will crack open - ouch! There are some over-the-counter medications containing softening oils that will help keep the cold sore scab more flexible. I recommend olive oil. It does a great job of keeping the cold sore crust softer and more comfortable - and it contains some anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

Better yet, if you can get some tea tree oil (I've seen it at kmart type stores) use it now. Tea tree oil doesn't smell too good - smells kind of like kerosene. It will keep the cold sore crust soft, but more importantly, it kills bacteria and cold sore virus like crazy.

You are still very contagious during this time. Whenever the cold sores crust cracks open, it will start to weep again. As you know by now, this cold sore fluid is teaming with cold sore virus. You must be very careful not to spread this cold sore virus to your eyes, or any other part of your body - or anyone else's body.

Cold sores, because of how contagious the herpes simplex virus is, can create genital herpes. And that's much worse than facial cold sores. Remember too, you are contagious from the first tingle until the last red spot is gone. On average, from my experience, this is about a 3-4 week period where you are socially sidelined with a cold sore.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

COLD SORES: Stage 5 - Open Sore

Cold Sores, Fever Blisters, Oral Herpes

This stage of cold sores is without a doubt the most painful. The most hideous. And the most contagious.
At this point with cold sores, all the cold sore vesicles break open and merge to form one humungous open, weeping cold sore.

Depending on the severity of your herpes simplex virus outbreak, the lymph glands under your jaw are probably enlarged and sore. If this is the case with you, quite likely your lymph glands will hurt when you move your head to look down toward your feet. Usually with cold sores, the enlarged lymph glands will be on the same side as your cold sore.

If your lymph glands are enlarged because of the cold sore, quite likely you will also have a fever - and will generally feel pretty punk. It may feel, at least in your head, very similar to flu symptoms - rather than a cold sore.

Taking whatever you take for a headache will help improve your comfort by also reducing this cold sore induced fever.

The weeping fluid from open cold sores is just teaming with newly cloned herpes virus, just looking for action. Getting this fluid on your fingers can easily spread the cold sore virus to another part of your own body or someone else's. If you have a cut on your finger and the cold sore virus gets in, you could get cold sores in that location. I've seen it and those that have cold sores on their fingers say they are worse than the lip. The tips of your fingers have a lot of nerves - which provides a very welcome home for the cold sore virus.

Even more dangerous, in my opinion, is spreading cold sores to the eyes. It is very easy to do and can cause permanent damage or blindness. There was a news story just the other day again about a lady who contracted cold sores in both her eyes. She didn't go blind from these cold sores, but her corneas were damaged. She stated that it was extremely painful each time she blinked or closed her eyes.

My favorite is to carry some babywipe type of product. The cold sore is irritating and you will want to dab at it occasionally. Use a baby wipe to dab and clean your cold sore every so often. Most brands of these contain some alcohol, which will help kill the virus - and protect the spread of cold sores. This is one of several helpful cold sore remedies.

Cold Sores

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Sunday, May 14, 2006


Cold Sores, Fever Blisters, Oral Herpes

At this stage of cold sores, tiny, hard pimple-like red bumps appear in the cold sores target area, such as the lip or nose. These are called vesicles and are quite painful to the touch.

Cold sores do not start out as a single cold sore blister, but usually as a grouping of these cold sore vesicles. Cold sore vesicles caused by the replication process of the herpes simplex virus, each form a small cold sore blister, which then merge into one big cold sore. It is not uncommon to see double and triple cold sores side by side. Several times over the years, I have seen cold sores cover the whole upper lip. This cold sore event is real nasty for the cold sore victim as well as the viewer.

At this stage of your cold sore event, your lymph glands under the jaw could start to hurt, or at least harden up and become irritated. This is common, as you may or may not know. You have lymph glands all over your body - and any infection will effect the nearest lymph gland. The main purpose of the lymph gland is to try to neutralize and remove the offending bacteria or virus.

If for example, you get a cold sore on your finger, which does happen, your nearest lymph gland is in your armpit and it will be working hard to protect you from the cold sores herpes simplex virus.

Ice can still be used at this stage of your cold sores, and should help relieve the heat and pain of your cold sore. Ice will still slow down or prevent the progression of your cold sore event. This will be the last stage that ice might be useful for the healing process.

Of all the cold sore remedies out there, the one that I whole-heartedly continue to recommend, can be applied at virtually any cold sore stage with awesome healing from that point on. In case you are new to this site - it's what I like to call the "3-Cent Cold Sore Cure".

At any rate, ice works well at this cold sore stage for pain and swelling relief - and ice is free.
Cold Sores

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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Cold Sores Stage 3 - Inflammation

Cold Sores, Oral Herpes, Fever Blisters
In the 3rd cold sore stage the herpes simplex virus has arrived at the target area for your pending cold sore. The herpes virus begins its reproductive cycle. More accurately, its replication cycle. You see, unlike bacteria that can multiply on its own, the herpes simplex virus must have a host. It is more of a cloning process. There really isn't any "young" cold sore virus - they are created fully whole and operational.

The herpes simplex virus enters the cells at the end of the nerve fibers on the face. This causes a lot of swelling and redness as your nerve cells react to this invasion. The cold sore virus then forces the cell to create more of themselves - like a virus factory so to speak.

There are various cold sore remedies that can still stop the growth of cold sores at this point. The simplest, of course, is continued application of ice. The cold discourages the process, and will help with the discomfort and swelling.

There are many cold sore remedies. My favorite over the years has kept me from getting cold sores.

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Cold Sores - Stage 2

Cold Sores, Oral Herpes, Fever Blisters

Stage 2 of a cold sore is called the prodrome stage - also known as the cold sore itching, tingling stage.

Here the herpes simplex virus that creates your cold sores, or "oral herpes" begins its reproductive cycle. Normally the cold sore virus is latent but your body has been weakened by some stress and the cold sore virus was able to escape its hiding place in your nerve ganglia.

In this cold sore stage, the herpes simplex virus starts to travel along the nerve fiber to the surface of your lip, nose, or wherever its target area is for your cold sore.

This movement causes the area where you normally get cold sores to start to tingle and itch. You also may notice a burning sensation. I used to notice a dryness, where I felt compelled to use lip balm more frequently.

This cold sore stage could last a few hours to a few days - depending on your current health situation and how you treat this particular stage of your cold sores.

Also, please note that you are now considered contagious for the cold sore virus. There may not be an open cold sore, but the cold sore virus is now awake and active. It even may be in your saliva at this time. Don't take any chances of passing the cold sore virus to someone else - ESPECIALLY YOUNG CHILDREN.

At this point you can slow down or even stop the cold sore virus from creating an open cold sore if you act quickly. This cold sore stage can first come on you while you're at work or play. Apply ice or any cold object such as a can of soda. This discourages the cold sore virus as they don't like cold. In many cases I've seen, the cold sore virus determines that it can't reproduce right now and goes back into hibernation.

Ice in the early stages of a cold sore is one of the best cold sore treatments - and it's basically available anywhere you happen to be. Not only does it discourage the cold sore virus from going any further, it relieves the itching and burning sensation.

Thanks for coming today. I'll move on to the 3rd cold sore stage, and some cold sore remedies in my next post.

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